Trader faces court for defrauding woman of GHC300,000 with fake lotto numbers while eight others arrested

KUMASI, 22nd March, (Futball Surgery)– Trader faces court for defrauding woman of GHC300,000 with fake lotto numbers as eight others arrested.

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A 22-year-old trader who allegedly defrauded a woman of GHC300,000 under the pretext of securing her VVIP National Lottery Authority (NLA) winning lotto numbers but failed has appeared before an Accra Circuit Court.

Prince Agboglah Selorm claimed when given the GHC300,000, the victim will win GHC2,860,000 and he would also facilitate the collection of the money won and succeeded in defrauding one madam Comfort Yankey, a trader to that effect.

Charged with defrauding by false pretences, he pleaded not guilty.

Selorm is also among nine other persons who advertised on social media platforms including Facebook and WhatsApp platforms and use subtle craft to deceive the public by giving them winning lotto numbers of the NLA.

The eight include Wise Akagboa 25 unemployed, Hallow Winfred 21 unemployed, Akli Gershon, 19, Store Attendant, Peter Sappeya 24, student, Mantey Dzidzinyo, 19, student, Oscar Amevor, 19, student, Azilah Elijah, 19, Store Attendant and Samuel Kuditsa, 19, student.

Selorm and the eight others have been jointly charged with Charlatanic advertisement.

They have denied the charges and the court presided over by Mr. Emmanuel Essandoh admitted them to bail in the sum GHC 300,000 each with two sureties.

They are to reappear on April 4.

When the case was called Tuesday in court, the prosecution led by Inspector Frederick Sarpong informed the court that investigations were still underway and prayed for an adjournment.

According to the Prosecution the complainants in the case are the management of the NLA, Accra.

Inspector Sarpong said during the month of January this year, management of NLA received several complaints from the public to the effect that some individuals have used the NLA symbol, photographs and the names of NLA staff to create various social media accounts and advertised to give out winning lotto numbers for a fee.

Prosecution said they used the same strategy to defraud unsuspecting members of the public.

Inspector Sarpong said management reported the issue to the Police and the victims were invited.

He said during investigations the accused were arrested through the phone lines they used to perpetuate the crime.

The prosecution said a search conducted on each of the accused persons led to the discovery of the mobile phones containing various SIM cards used by them to defraud their victims.

Prosecution said Madam Comfort Yankey mentioned Selorm’s phone number and mentioned that Selorm used his number in defrauding her to the tune of GHC300,000 under the pretext of giving her NLA winning lotto numbers which would enable her win GHC2,860,000 and also to facilitate the collection of the money won.

The prosecution the suspect used three different mobile phone numbers to receive the money from the victim, Madam Comfort Yankey.


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