Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola mother confirmed dead after contracting coronavirus

Guardiola mother, Dolors Sala Carrio, dies at age 82 after failing to survive the tragedy of coronavirus pandemic.

Spain is currently one of the coronavirus epicenters in Europe with today Monday’s increase of 637 coronavirus deaths has caused total death cases to approximately 13,055 as at Monday afternoon.

The Manchester City manager donated 1m euros (£920,000) to purchase medical equipment and protective material for staff involved in treating those admitted to hospital in a bid to battling the outbreak.

However, his mother has died in the process after a month the City manager made such huge donation to fight the covid-19, and Manchester City and other Premier League clubs have shared their condolence to the Spanish trainer.

“The Manchester City family are devastated to report the death today of Pep’s mother Dolors Sala Carrió in Manresa, Barcelona after contracting Corona Virus. She was 82-years-old. Everyone associated with the club sends their most heartfelt sympathy at this most distressing time to Pep, his family and all their friends.”

“Everyone associated with the club sends their most heartfelt sympathy at this most distressing time to Pep, his family and all their friends,” Manchester City statement on their social media.

City rivals Manchester United posted on social media to say the club was “saddened to hear this terrible news”, adding: “We send our heartfelt condolences to Pep and his family.”

Arsenal were the next Premier League club to tweet as clubs continue to show solidarity towards the sadden death of Dolors Sala Carrió: “We’re deeply saddened by this heartbreaking news. Sending our love and strength to Pep and his family at this difficult time.”



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