Asante Kotoko: Manhyia Palace rejects Dr Kwame Kyei formed Board of Directors amid facing sanctions from GFA Club Licensing Board

Asante Kotoko have been dealt with a massive blow after failing to submit ‘Board of Directors’ to the Club Licensing board of the Ghana Football Association.

And this happened when nominee of Nana Gyembibi Coker, George Amoako, Nana Boakye and Ankobeahene as the club’s new Board of Directors by the Executive Chairman Dr Kwame Kyei is rejected by the Manhyia Palace.

Manhyia Palace is the headquarters of the Asante Kingdom that needs to approve the newly formed ‘Board’ before Kotoko can register at the GFA Licensing Board.

The Palace’s Chief of Staff, Nana Kofi Badu, refused to approve Nana Gyembibi Coker, George Amoako, Nana Boakye and Ankobeahene to the Kotoko’s new ‘Board’, claimed by Kumasi-based radio station Fox 97.9 FM.

Meanwhile, the Club Licensing Board of the GFA have asked all Premier League clubs to obtain License to work in the ongoing season, and Board of Directors is a key requirement to obtaining the License.

Kotoko were granted a temporary License to work with, with the aim of seeing to it that the Ghanaian giants will submit in time (with a deadline date of 3rd April) a Board to formalize the Licensing registration process.

But with Manhyia’e rejecting the ‘Board’ means Kotoko could not meet the deadline date and stand a high chances of  being infected with further sanctions including a fine and/or termination of temporary License.


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