Former Asante Kotoko goal keeper Joe Carr supports Maxwell Konadu’s decision to bench Felix Anann to remain faith in Kwame Baah as first choice

Felix Anann has been one of the key performers for Ghana Premier League giants Asante Kotoko where Anann was one important figure with whom Kotoko depended so much in last year’s CAF Confederation Cup.

The Black Stars assistant goal-keeper had contractual issue where his initial contract would have expired December 2019 but managed to sign extension with his parent club Kotoko, which means the former WAFA keeper keeps his posts until 2022.

Meanwhile, Kwame Baah had already joined the Porcupine Warriors on a free transfer, and Anann’s temporal absence from his posts to marry childhood girlfriend means he have failed to recapture the posts on first-choice basis, with Kwame Baah now preferred in the posts by coach Maxwell Konadu.

This swift change has cause intention in and around the 1983 CAF Champions League winners, and supporter of the club has expressed their worries over the decision, they have called for Felix Anann to be back at the posts.

However, Former Asante Kotoko goal-keeper Joe Carr has thrown into the air his support for Maxwell Konadu to opt for second choice Kwame Baah as the one keeping the posts for Kotoko since Week 5 of the Ghana Premier League.

”Every team has three or four goalkeepers, so when your performance in training is good [among the options], you will keep the post always,” Carr, who won the 1978 Africa Cup of Nations with Ghana told Oyerepa FM.

“In the case of Felix, he has always kept the post for Kotoko and he left for his wedding. Kwame Baah got the chance and his performance has been good in the posts, so how can you bench him and bring in Felix Annan?

“Annan has to be on the bench and work hard. His time will come. When Kwame Baah starts conceding, Felix will be back. For me, I don’t see anything wrong with coach Maxwell Konadu’s decision; he is right.

“Felix had been conceding. When Baah took his turn, he’s not conceding that much. I don’t see why Felix should complain, he should keep quiet and be on the bench until his time comes.

“I don’t see anything wrong with Maxwell’s decision, his decision is the best.”

Anann won two and loss two of his four games for Kotoko before his marriage this season whilst Kwame has now won three of his five Premier League games against Ebusua Dwarfs, Hearts of Oak and Dreams FC.

In another aspect of the stats, whereas Felix Anann kept only a clean sheet that was against Eleven Wonders in the season’s opener, Baah has managed three clean sheets against Dwarfs, WAFA and Dreams FC.


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